Attention Horse lovers! It’s time to drag the tack out and prepare for the 2022 riding season. It’s time to start the chore list:
1. Clean and treat all leather surfaces 2. Check all the leather strapping for tears or breaks that might fail when out riding 3. Check, clean and polish all metal surfaces to remove dirt and rust 4. Clean all Horse blankets and pads removing dirt and foreign objects that may injure your animal 5. Check you maps to be sure they are up to date and that the trails you want to ride are or may be closed because of logging 6. Make reservation’s if required at any campgrounds you plan on using. 7. Check your First Aid kits and replace all out of date items.

The Courtney Campground is close to being finished. We have small amounts of signage and ground prep that needs to be done. Please consider helping this fabulous project to a completion by attending a work day. Email the MI-TRALE Equine Director, Cathy, for information on how to help.