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Check out the 2023 Calendar for Meeting Dates, Rides and Events. You will also find Ride specific dates under Rides. We will post the itineraries closer to the ride dates. Posting of any Equestrian rides will be coming soon. If you have any questions please contact any club Officer or Director

Geocaching is a fun activity that is enjoyed by many worldwide. You can look for Cache’s everywhere in your area as well as around the world. MI-TRALE sponsors a number of of these fun treasure finds that are hidden in our area.

Watch for more on this exciting sport and Check out our new Geocaching page under Club Stuff. Download the Geocaching app and get ready to JOIN the FUN. If you’d like to help in maintaining a few of our cache’s contact any club officer.

Our counts for the season have been completed and we are now looking at our trails under the snow. We get lots of hits to count as you can imagine especially when a tractor pulling a big hunk of iron over the counter.

Check out the new TRAFX tab under ATV/ORV for more information and what kind of reports we can generate!

Just a reminder! Poisonous! Do not touch!!

Everyone’s getting restless to get out on the trails and over here in the Western UP we have a mixed bag when it comes to where you can ride before May 16. You need to do your homework for the early spring riding to assure you are riding on legal trails

  • DNR has multi-use routes that are open all year. The routes are BN, SL, SB, OR, a portion of the LL & P
  • Ottawa National Forest has trails with a seasonal designation and those are closed March 16-May15
  • MI-TRALE’s has many club routes on county roads and they are open all year CL, CR, CE, NR, CW, G, F, CCE, CCW, ES, DH
  • M-DOT ROW’s are closed Dec.1 to April 30: MI-TRALE’s trail system has ROW (highway right of ways) where it is legal to ride on the highway but only May1 to Nov 30. So right now you cannot use them. These ROW’s are main connectors and very important to the trail system so please respect the Law, we don’t want to lose them.
  • ROW’s are located on
  • LL Route you cannot go along US45 by Northern Waters Casino in Watersmeet or in Paulding along US45
  • ES Route south of Lake Gogebic you cannot go along US2 to connect to the SL
  • NR Route you cannot go along M64 in Ontonagon
  • P Trail you cannot go along M28 in Bergland

Check out MI-TRALE’s FREE map app “Michigan UP Trails” google play store or apple store

M-DOT ROW’s are Closed Nov.30 to May 1: Lots of people are wanting to ride already, just remember in the MI-TRALE trail system we have ROW (highway right of ways) where it is legal to ride on the highway but only May1 to Nov 30. So right now you cannot use them. These ROW’s are main connectors and very important to the trail system so please respect the Law so we don’t lose them. ROW’s are located on

  • LL Route you cannot go along US45 by Northern Waters Casino in Watersmeet or in Paulding along US45
  • ES Route south of Lake Gogebic you cannot go along US2 to connect to the SL
  • NR Route you cannot go along M64 in Ontonagon
  • P Trail you cannot go along M28 in Bergland

3-12-2021 It may not feel like it right now, but spring is coming. It is a good time to do your routine maintenance and such to your rides to have them ready to go. Check or change your fluids, make sure nothing is loose or worn out, refill your first aid kits and make sure nothing is outdated. Spring will be here before you know it….Jim