Just a reminder as the recreation sports change from snow to dirt. ORV Highway right-of-ways (ROW) are closed until May 1 this is where the trail runs legally on the side of Highways, MI-TRALE has several ROW’s LL Route in the town of Watersmeet by the Casino on US45, LL Route in the town of Paulding on US45, ES Route south of Lake Gogebic on US2, OR & NR Route in the town of Ontonagon along M64 and the P Trail in the town of Bergland along M28.
Ottawa National Forest has seasonal roads which are closed until May 16 this includes P Trail north of the town of Bergalnd & LL Route in in Paulding through the woods. Use the Ottawa National Forest MVUM maps or our free map app Michigan UP Trails, you can touch the trails to find the seasonal designation