A friendly reminder to off-road vehicle operators to keep it safe while riding this holiday weekend and into the colder seasons.“Conservation officers see an increase in riders during holidays and on the weekends. Please keep the extra traffic in mind when you’re taking a turn and going over a hill,” said the DNR’s Cpl. Mike Hearn. “ORV accidents often happen when people get caught up in the moment of riding and keep increasing their speed, aren’t familiar with the terrain or their machines capabilities, or take a turn, hill or jump too fast without knowing what’s on the other side.”Speed and rider inexperience are the primary contributing factors for ORV accidents, serious injuries and death. Make sure to Ride Right and keep these tips in mind:Ride on the right side of the trail.Keep lights on when riding.Always wear a helmet.Ride sober.Understand and operate within the limits of your ORV and your own capabilities and experience.For more ORV safety and trail etiquette information, go to Michigan.gov/RideRight. Find places to ride, rules and regulations, ORV events and more at Michigan.gov/ORVinfo. Questions? Email Cpl. Mike Hearn.