We are fast approaching the 2022 Riding season and here are a few things to remember. All this information and more is in the MI-DNR OHV Handbook
- Ride Only Where Permitted. Stay on the trail – they are marked for a reason. Rocks, fencing and barbed wire are just a few examples of what could be hidden in the under growth or the snow.
- Be considerate of others on the trail and “Ride Right”.
- Always yield to uphill traffic. Uphill traffic may have difficulty starting again if stopped.
- Slow down when someone is passing you.
- When you see non-motorized trail users coming from the opposite direction; please slow down, pull over. Yield right of way to bikers, hikers, and Horses.

- Leave gates as you find them.
- Report downed tress and trail maintenance needs to landManagers.
- Report Illegal riding by calling or texting 1-800-292-7800.
- Always carry out what you carry in. Leave no trace – pack it in; pack it out. If you see litter, please pick it up.
- If you love Michigan’s trails, get involved and join MI-TRALE!