The U.S. Forest Service, Ottawa National Forest announces road maintenance on Forest Roads (FR) 400 and FR 630 on the Ontonagon Ranger District, northeast of Bergland, Michigan.Beginning Monday, June 20, 2022, the Ontonagon County Road Commission will be performing work on FR 400 and FR 630 to install ditching, culverts, gravel and other associated road re-conditioning work. Work is being done through an agreement between the Ontonagon County Road Commission and the Forest Service. Work is expected to begin on FR 630 and will continue over 3 to 4 weeks until completed. The road may be closed during construction, but will be open and accessible at the end of each day. Travelers can expect some disruptions as culverts are being replaced. Please plan accordingly.Please remember to use caution when traveling on forest roadways, adhere to speed limits, and directional signage. To receive updated information on road conditions, please call your local Forest Service office.