BECOME A 2024 MEMBER–New or Renewal
MEMBERSHIP TIME – From the MI-TRALE Membership Committee
We have begun our annual membership drive. Membership renewal applications for 2024 will be sent out via post mail soon. Applications can also be found on the MI-TRALE Web Page: for New or renewal members.
Your support is very important and much appreciated. Your membership helps to cover administrative and trail maintenance costs and the equipment needed to maintain nearly 600 miles of various types of trails. Feel free to share the contact information from the Membership Application with your friends, and any businesses, that you think would like to support the trails. You will find more information on the MI-TRALE website under the Club Stuff tab/Membership option.
Members will receive a “welcome package” to convey our thanks: the attractive 2024 decal that you can proudly display on your ORV to show your support, your membership card and a free MI-TRALE paper Trails Map. You can also find MI-TRALEs popular Map App, Michigan UP Trails, in Google Play, the APP Store, Android or iOS. All of MI-TRALEs members are notified via email of our monthly meetings. They are very informative and also open to the public.
You might want to consider how else you could become involved with MI-TRALE. We can always use your help to keep this vital trail group moving forward for future generations of trail enthusiasts. Visit our webpage, (, to learn more. Please feel free to contact us if you need more information. Thank you for your interest and support of the recreational trails here in the beautiful Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We could not do this without you!
Here are just a few of the successful projects accomplished, due to your support:
- Allocated $1.6 million from the DNR for Trail Maintenance in the last 8 years, all monies come from ORV License fees.
- Brushing and Signing 300+ miles of DNR designated trails and 200+ miles of Club trails.
- Representing you on all Governmental Levels: Local, State & Federal
- Annual Senior Citizen Fall Color ORV Tour.
- Annual S.P.O.R.T (State Park Off Road Trek) Ride.
- Developing, Signing and Mapping new trails for all types of recreational users.
- Development of the FREE Map App & paper Map showing 500+ miles of MI-TRALE maintained trails & over 2,200 miles of Ottawa National Forest roads for ORV use.
- We have also completed the long-awaited improvements on the Courtney Equestrian Trails and at the Courtney Lake Campground. More updates are in the works for 2024!
Your membership is very important to MI-TRALE. We truly appreciate you and all the support we receive from every single one of our members and volunteers. We hope you will join us for another great year of trail riding in the beautiful Western Upper Peninsula!